
Reason#19 King of the City Roads

A bloody red jeepney, captured by Sally Abella
They come in different colors! - photo by Rory Alcantara
Nice to know:

The most inexpensive way to travel in the Metro. For just 7 pesos or roughly US$0.15, one can cover a distance of up to 4 kilometers. Add 1.50 pesos or US$0.03 for every kilometer beyond that.

It is the undisputed “King of the Road” because the drivers of these jeepneys make up their own rules. They can (and will) stop anywhere they please: intersections, pedestrians’ lanes, in front of your car, etc. Depending on your participation, this audacity can be either a blessing or a curse. It can be quite convenient because you can hop off  and land near your destination… a blessing. But if you’re driving and your car is right behind one… you curse.

Why it's in the list:

For the everyday frugal commuter, the jeepney is an ever-dependable mode of transportation.
If the jeepney is packed and you can’t wait for another one, you can  sabit or hang on to any of the rusty bars and handles. But if you decide to do so, you must literally hang on for dear life as it rumbles and weaves through traffic. You should really try this at least once in your lifetime.

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